Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Opening Night

As excitement mounted for the big gala opening night performance of Lion King in Singapore there were a couple of special events.

First on the list was the farewell drinks for Scott, our followspot caller.
Unfortunately Scott was so popular on the night, I was unable to get a photo with him. I did however catch Ross the Vari-lite programer from the Las Vegas version of Lion King.

Next was the blessing of the new theatre and specifically the season of Lion King.
The whole company was invited out to the loading dock, where this table had been set up. We were asked to take some incense sticks, walk to the table, bow three times and place the sticks into the bowl at the centre of the table.

Here I am with my incense sticks

After a short prayer and song we were all invited to eat everything on the table. Gosh it was all very delicious.
Here's to a prosperous season!

Opening Night 10/3/2011

After two months of very hard work opening night had finally arrived. Lisa was very excited and asked me to be her chaperone for the evening. A perfect job for a gentleman suchas myself.

Here I am beside Lisa waiting for the opening night performance to begin. Look at all the very dressed up people down there.

After the performance it was time to enjoy ourselves! Below is a selection of the photos taken at the party.

Lisa's father flew in to support her and here are he and I along with the Lighting Designer Jeanne.

After the main party finished the Lighting team moved to another venue. Here is Lisa's boss, Evan and myself.
I think he found my joke quite amusing.

I suppose the only thing left now is the final end of week shot. This was taken on the Sunday after Opening night. All these photos were taken at approximately 9:30pm on the Sunday nights of each week. Our final one comes at interval on Performance Six.

Thank you everyone for following and supporting Lisa through a very tough bump in. In the coming weeks I will start to show you some of the other fun, un-work related things Lisa and I have been up to during our time in Singapore.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bump in and Rehearsals

I know this has been a long time coming and hope you can forgive the delay.
When I left you Lisa had just been given her last two day weekend for the foreseeable future, since then the show has progressed through a lot.

Bump in Concludes

Week three of the bump in was about finishing the bump in and starting to Focus the rig. Lisa allowed me back to the theatre for a few days this week, as with last time I visited the Lx team put me to work.

Because I had had some experience with the lighting desk I was asked to help with the focus by running the riggers remote.

Here you can see me with the lighting plans preparing to bring up the next light to be focused.

Later in the week the followspots were set up. I of course was on hand to help Lisa move into her new home.

As you can see I made sure the chair                         I also made sure Lisa's cans         
was a comfortable one and that there                         worked and that she could
was enough light to read cue sheets by.                     see the stage from her position

For the photos at the end of the week I took two as to show you the progression. Just before the coffee break Sunday night the Lx crew were finishing up the focus.

If you notice the bones on the stage are only half lit in this shot

But now they are fully lit.

You will also notice the cougar has moved closer to centre stage. The marvelous Sir Scott Smith is up the top of the cougar.

Technical Rehearsals

Technical rehearsals started with, Lisa tells me!, the usual excitement and soon slumped into the usual, Lisa tells me! boring slow days. I certainly know she came home most days over these two weeks grumpy and tired.

Hello Stage Management! Yes the spots are all here.

Standby to do the scene under work light
And now in full show conditions

Lisa made me pose for this photo. She told me that this is a typical position for a followspot operator to spend 60% of their time during Tech week. As a gentleman I would never dare argue with a lady.

Sunday night at the end of week 4, the Lion King company has bumped in, focused, plotted and gotten to the end of Act I of the tech rehearsals. 

Dress Rehearsals

Week five consisted of finishing the technical rehearsals and starting the dress rehearsals.
The big news this week however was not what was happening on stage but the change going on in the followspot room.

See if you can spot the difference.


The Great Spot Changeover of Lion King Singapore 2011. Lycian Long throw to Robert Juilet Cyrano in an afternoon. The smile on my face mimics the one on Lisa's.

By the end of week 5 technical rehearsals were over and dress rehearsals had started.

End of week five photo. Notice the lights are off, the stage is bare, people are packing up ready to go home for the weekend and rest for the Previews and Opening Night to come.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bump In Starts and Chinese New Year

Lets kick this post off to a positive start by reveling the solution to the puzzle from last time we spoke.

Oops! It seems the Stockdale family trait has rubbed off on me. How many of you figured the puzzle out?

Bump In

It has been a very big couple of weeks for Lisa, with bump in starting and the long hours attached kicking in. As such she and I haven't spent that much time together, Lisa was able to take me to her work for a couple of days and she tells me I was most helpful while I was around.

Here I am on the first day of bump in, pass in hand and ready to start.

It didn't take Lisa long to put me to work!

The LX crew needed someone to harness up,
so of course I volunteered to climb the truss and help with rigging.

I got Lisa to take this photograph of the theatre
at the end of the first week to show you 
just how many lights were already hanging.
Halfway through this week we also had to change hotels! We are now staying at the Pan Pacific, it is quite a nice place and has elevators right out of a children's book.

Company Management were also nice enough to give us all a little present to say thank you for handling the hotel swapping so graciously.

Lisa might have to be careful where she leaves the chocolate, or I might eat it while she is away.

Week two of bump in started well enough, although I was worried about Lisa working for ten days without a break. Then about four days in one of the LX crew had to leave so Lisa asked if I would come back in and help with flashing out the rig.

First they started me at the conventional desk 

Then they sent me up a cougar to fix a scroller

It is actually quite a nice view from up there!


Here is the same photo from the end of week two.
Chinese New Year
Happy Luna New Year!
Wednesday 2nd was Luna new years eve, the last day of the year of the Tiger and the beginning of the year of the Rabbit. Over the last few weeks Singapore has been slowly decorated with lanterns, lights and Bunnies.


Our surprise new year presents. 

I hope everyone back in Australia is safe and as dry. Goodbye for now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Settling into Singapore

Lisa and I have now been in Singapore for three days.
Luckily Lisa found out on Thursday that we are not required at the theatre until Monday. This has given us a chance to relax and do a little exploring.

The Grand Park Orchard

Layton and Lisa's Room

Our new hotel, as you can see is very comfortable, it has a pool and a gym and two nice restaurants to eat in. It is also right in the middle of a big shopping area, with lots of hawker style food courts and is very close to the train.

One of our trips took us down to Marina Bay, both to visit the theatre where Lion King will be playing and to see Singapore's most famous icon the Merlion.

Puzzle: How to get from the hotel to the theatre using the MRT

Another Puzzle Solved!
Here is the Marina Bay Sands Resort. The theatre is at the bottom of the left hand tower.
 How do you think that boat got all the way up there?

It is quite a long walk from the closest train station to the theatre, so after a brief stop for some food, we set off for the Merlion.

When we arrived I was pleased to see that the Merlion also has an apprentice.

Luke and Lisa have decided to pool their pocket
money together and purchase him a suitable hat.

I had a strange feeling the everything was not as is seemed. So it was with eyes open we approached the Merlion.


We seem to have caught the Merlion at a delicate time. Come on Lisa, lets leave him too it.

We will return a bit later and introduce ourselves then.

Upon our return to the hotel I suggested we relax by the pool with a puzzle.

Here is the puzzle Lisa and I completed, see how you do with it.

The solution will be in my next post.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Travel Day

Good Morning

Lisa and I have arrived in Singapore, safe and sound. We had a long but enjoyable day.

It started early so Lisa could finish
her packing. Once that was done it
was time to go to the airport.
As the Laytonmobile is not equipped to
carry such large loads I suggested we
take Lisa's vehicle. As you can see
I took the passenger seat 
(as any good gentleman knows you
never drive someone else's vehicle)

Once we had checked in, it was time to say goodbye. Here I am at the International Departure Gates. 

After I had cleared customs and been searched for any weapons, there was time for a bit of duty free shopping


Duty Free Fun

Now for the plane trip!

It was a seven and a half hour trip, but we were kept well entertained and provided for for its duration, as you will see below.

Flight information on demand.

A selection of meals for dinner

Here I am getting ready to eat

Gosh it was good!
Now I think some tea to finish with .

and finally for a little nap. There is nothing like a nap to refresh your mind for the puzzles that lay ahead

So here I am being warmly welcomed to Singapore, lets hope its a good trip.